We offer separators in Orlando, FL 32809, to create space between teeth so that bands will fit easily on the back teeth. There are placed approximately one or two weeks before bands are placed.
1. If a separator falls out, please contact our office near you, and our team will be sure to take care of you! If it over the weekend, you may wait until Monday.
2. Avoid playing with the separators. Do not put your fingers in your mouth.
3. Brush as you normally would. When flossing, refrain from flossing where the separators are.

4. Avoid eating sticky foods and chewing gum as they can dislodge the separator.
5. After you received separators from our office in Orlando, FL 32809, it’s normal for it to feel loose/mobile for a few days.
6. If there is any discomfort, please feel free to use Tylenol or your choice of oral analgesics as needed. If the pain persists, contact our office near you, and we will treat you.